Curriculum MAP & Syllabus Generator
A free tool to support curriculum mapping, analysis, and planning, and the creation of UBC syllabi. Anybody can create an account to use any of these features!

Allows instructors to map program learning outcomes (PLOs) to course learning outcomes (CLOs) of required and non-required courses for the program.

Allows instructors to create a new course by identifying course learning outcomes, assessment strategies, and teaching and learning methods.

Allows instructors to evaluate existing courses or programs by looking at the alignment across learning outcomes, assessment methods, and teaching and learning activities.

Student Success
Give students a better
understanding of what is expected
of them, and what they will
accomplish in different courses.

Quality Assurance
Allow for identification of gaps in
course offerings as well as

Improve Learning
Help faculty use
evidence-based information,
see relationships between
course and overall program
goals, and learning outcomes.

Staff Collaboration
Provide an opportunity for faculty
to work together and help new
faculty develop professional
relationships and a sense of
How to Use Curriculum MAP and Syllabus Generator?
To use this website, users must:
- Register on the website (registration button can be found on the top banner).
- Choose whether to create a course or a program or a syllabus.
- Follow the prompts and steps shown on the website.
- Save or print the results.
- Log back in to review or edit your work.
Be ready to input this information when prompted by the application. The tool will walk you through a series of steps ending with a summary of your curriculum alignment.
Watch this demo for further guidance.
Questions ?
If you have questions about the Curriculum MAP, please contact at the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Okanagan campus.
The code supporting this tool is available as open source software. Tell us if you are using it for your own project by completing this short form.